Jadranko - zadarski modni mačak :) |
haljina: zara, torba: www.wholesale-dress.net , ogrlica: stradivarius |
Odlučile smo, zbog velikog interesa za naš blog u inozemstvu, da pišemo na hrvatskom i engleskom. Zahvaljujemo se na dosadašnjoj podršci i nadamo se da ce te nas pratiti i dalje, a mi cemo nastojati objavljivati postove češće. Love angie i karla :*
*oprostite za lošu kvalitetu slika, slikane su mobitelom u žurbi :/
We decided, because of high interest to our blog abroad to write in English and Croatian. Thank you for the support and hope that you will continue to follow us, and we will try to publish more often. Love Angie & Karla :*
* sorry for the low quality images, they were taken by mobile phone in a hurry :/